This certifying training launched on November 14, 2022 at the CCAA Training School is the result of the academic partnership that exists between the Cameroon Civil Aviation Authority and the University of Yaoundé I, via National Advanced School of Engineering of Yaoundé (NASEY).

It was in the presence of many actors, instructors and guests such as the Director of NASEY and the Director General of ALUCAM that the Director General of the CCAA launched this training. It is part of the training partnership contract between the two structures signed on November 26, 2021.

This action is in line with the logic of the professionalization of our universities, as instructed by the President of the Republic, after the multiple continuing education courses for aviation professionals often organized at the CCAA Training School.

This first initial professional training on the maintenance and recycling of aircraft will be sanctioned by a certificate of university specialized aptitude in maintenance and recycling.

The courses will be given in partnership with National Advanced School of Engineering of Yaoundé (NASEY).

Indeed, the partnership that links the two structures, CCAA and NASEY, consists of the establishment of a partnership of training, scientific and technological research and expertise in the fields of interest of the two structures.

Training in aircraft maintenance and recycling will be divided into two (02) phases: a theoretical and a practical phase lasting six (06) months. The theoretical phase will take place at the CCAA training School according to educational needs. And, the practical phase will take place at CCAA training School, NASEY and for some specific work, at Air Base 101.

Then will follow a 03-month internship in a civil aviation company whose purpose of operation relates to the subjects studied by the trainees. This internship will then allow participants to familiarize themselves with the work environment and make it operational and competitive.

This promotion was selected following a rigorous process which began with a study of files and which made it possible to retain the most suitable profiles, who passed written tests and oral tests.

All the educational tools necessary for these activities have already been gathered on the sites indicated above.

This training, open to candidates holding an engineering degree or a recognized equivalent degree, in the fields of mechanical engineering, industrial engineering, electrical engineering or telecommunications engineering extends over a period of nine (09) months from this day, November 14, 2022.

After the usual courtesies, the Director General of the CCAA gave an inaugural lesson on the strategy of developing local skills for the maintenance and recycling of aircraft, to set the scene for the training.

In her presentation, she reviewed the focal points of high-level air transport development strategies and highlighted a pillar of the National Development Strategy 2020-2030, which is Human Capital Development. and well-being. An aspect well integrated into the vision of Cameroonian air transport by 2035 developed by the CCAA and included in its internal strategic orientations.

In short, the Director General wanted to show the interest of training in this key area of ​​maintenance where training needs are crippling. And, the plane being at the center of all activities in the aviation sector, it seemed important to him to think about his life and his survival. Hence the decision on the implementation of national skills acquisition mechanisms for users and the machine.

It should be noted that the vision of the General Directorate of the Aeronautical Authority is to “have modern, competitive and efficient air transport at the service of the economic and social development of the country, sustainable and of reference at the regional level, supported by the national aviation sector.

And especially that on the horizon of the emergence of Cameroon, the EFO-CCAA is a center of excellence in Africa for the provision of skills development offers in the field of civil aviation.

Since its creation in 2016, the CCAA Training School has already issued more than 4,500 certificates and certificates of completion of training in civil aviation security as well as in civil aviation security specialties in its three (03) training centers namely:

  • AVSEC ICAO Regional Training Center in Douala;
  • Yaoundé Training Center;
  • Garoua Training Center.

It is planned in the short term to launch training on: air transport regulations; the economics of air transport; the certification of air transport companies.

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