ICAO Government Safety Inspector – Certified Air Operator and Maintenance Organization Certification (GSI AIR EN)

From 15 May to 02 June 2023, the CCAA Training School hosted the ICAO training entitled ” ICAO Government Safety Inspector – Certified Air Operator and Maintenance Organization Certification (GSI AIR EN)”.
This training, facilitated by qualified ICAO instructors, welcomed ten officers from the CCAA’s Aviation Safety Department and other airworthiness experts.
This training provided participants with the necessary skills to:

-evaluate a pre-assessment declaration form for potential operators;
-identify the objectives of the pre-application meeting;
-review a formal mock AMO request and identify the formal objectives of the
-Evaluate parts of a candidate’s Maintenance Procedure Manuals (MPMs) and identify unacceptable errors;
-evaluate a candidate’s training program and determine if initial approval can be granted;
-evaluates the results of a main baseline inspection and determines the actions of inspectors;
-complete a mock AMO certificate and standard operating procedures (SOPs) and identify the elements that must be included in the certification report;
-evaluate narrative and reference statements;
-evaluate an extract from the maintenance control manual of a simulated operator;
-evaluate the minimum equipment list (MEL) proposed by a simulated operator and identify configuration design limits (CDL);
-evaluate an inspection report resulting from a compliance inspection of a simulated operator;
-Identify recommendations involving inspector observations/demonstration flight reports;
-complete a simulated operator certificate and SOPs and identify the elements to be included in the certification report.Activate to view larger image,

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