Cameroon in its own way joined the international community to celebrate International Civil Aviation Day, through an Open Day hosted by the Cameroon Civil Aviation Authority and Bel Aviation, the promoter of AVIA Day in the city of Douala on December 6, 2023 and several other attractions that were organized.
To stay in the theme of this edition which is “Advancing innovation for the development of global aviation”, a very interactive stand was opened in Douala, to students from middle and high schools, universities and many curious people from the city of Douala to discover the world of civil aviation, the training offered by the CCAA Training School (EFO), including the many initiatives implemented to promote civil aviation safety and security in Cameroon.
Thus, through presentations, the pupils and students were enlightened on the different stages of the flight operation process, and on certain professions and activities of aviation. This day also allowed visitors to the stand to meet actors of the Cameroonian civil aviation system, such as state services, (Police, Gendarmerie, Customs) and other security partners such as ADC, ASECNA and airlines.
This well-attended open day was a success and allowed young Cameroonians to discover the world of civil aviation and to learn more about the training and employment opportunities that exist in this sector.
On the sidelines of this attraction, a workshop bringing together experts from the aviation sector on the future of civil aviation in Cameroon was organized at the Douala International Airport Command on December 7, 2023. The aim was to see how to foster creativity and encourage innovative ideas to effectively improve the safety and comfort of air travel in Cameroon.
It should be noted that in the same vein, the CCAA and one of its partners offered a first flight by helicopter to about twenty personnel around the Yaounde Air Base 101 as a prelude to this JACI.