Training Instructors Course (TIC FR

End this Wednesday, June 14, 2023 of the ICAO Course entitled “Training Instructors Course (TIC FR), at the CCAA Training School.
This training, which began on Monday, June 05, 2023, welcomed foreign participants from several nationalities including: two (02) Togolese, one mandated by the National Civil Aviation Agency of Togo (ANAC TOGO) and the other by the Lomé Tokoin Airport Company (SALT), (three) 03 Congolese from the Aviation Investigation and Accident Office. Five (05) CCAA Officers also took part in this training facilitated by a qualified ICAO Instructor.
Once successfully completed, participants are able to:

-Prepare the training environment including facilities, equipment and teaching materials;
-Manage trainees using effective training strategies;
-Deliver a course using various pedagogical methods according to the needs of the training;
-Conduct the evaluation of trainees in an appropriate, objective and correct manner;
-Effectively carry out course evaluation.

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