Crisis Management

A Training Workshop on Crisis Management began on Monday, September 25, 2023, at the CCAA Training School.
This workshop led by 02 ICAO Certified Instructors welcomes the staff of the CCAA’s Partner Administrations, coming from several structures including 03 from Cameroon Airports (ADC), 02 from the Gendarmerie, 02 from the Directorate of Territorial Surveillance (DST), 02 from the Directorate General of External Research (DGRE), 03 from the General Directorate of National Security (DGSN), 02 of the Agency for Safety and Air Navigation (ASECNA), 02 of Public Health, 01 of the Ministry of Forests and Wildlife (MINFOF), 01 of the Yaoundé Airport Protection Company (CPAY), 04 of the Cameroon Civil Aviation Authority.

At the end of the 05 days of theoretical and practical courses, the stagiares will be able to:
– explain the need for a crisis management plan to deal with major security emergencies at airports;
– describe the essential elements of a crisis management plan;
– determine the composition and functions of a crisis management team;
– describe the facilities and equipment needed to support a planned response;
– Identify the elements of system verification to ensure the continued validity of contingency plans.

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