National AVSEC Inspectors training course

The CCAA training school organized a “training course for National AVSEC Inspectors”, from July 25 to August 02, 2022 at Yaounde training center.
The target population was all personnel in charge of the supervision or management of aviation, aspiring to become civil aviation security inspectors.
At the end of the training, participants will be able to:

  • to determine the means of control necessary for the establishment of a national program of quality control of civil aviation security, and the importance of a national security oversight system;
  • describe the standards in Annex 17 relating to the conduct of security audits, inspections, investigations and tests relating to civil aviation security;
  • define audits, inspections, investigations and tests in the field of civil aviation security;
  • determine the role and specific skills required of inspectors;
  • determine the appropriate methodology for conducting a civil aviation security inspection within the framework of a national programme;
  • as part of an exercise, prepare to conduct a civil aviation security inspection, including the presentation of the findings made on this occasion.

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